Friday, June 5, 2009

Erika's portfolio 3

For this picture I used paint tools to make a plaid pattern. I used different colors and sizes to make it look like a professional background.

In this project I used the square shaped button and the circle shape button to make an abstract design. I then used the paint can button to fill the shpaes with color. In some of my shaped I added patterns to add a little edge to the design. This pattern is just a bunch of shapes together to make a fun design. I love using the shapes and colors. This was a fun project to create.
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Erika's Portfolio 2

For this picture I used layering to combine 2 pictures together. I am actually sitting in front of a huge wall of plants. I erased the plants to make it look like I am sitting in front of a lake with beautiful blue skies. I'm there without really being there. This was a fun picture to make.
In this picture i used shapes and paint. I selected the paint option and added a fun background. I used the shapes to make a cute picture of my favorite animal a frog. i think it turned out great.

For this picture I used paint tools again. I love making new patterns. I also added text to give meaning to the picture. Adding the word "danger" creates the feeling of fire.
I love the colors and pattern of this picture. It kind of reminds me of surfboards at the beach. I used shapes, paint and texture. I added the word "funky" and filled it with texture. It gives the feeling of fun.
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Erika's Portfolio

This is a picture of me and my dad. I cropped the picture then used the emboss filter to make it look cool. It looks like metal. I also added text to give it a title. I filled the text with texture. I really like using filters to change the look of the pictures.

For this picture I used the paint option. I used different styles of paint brushes to make a fun pattern. I used different brushed to make the pattern seem bigger. I really like how this turned out. I reminds me of a warm fuzzy blanket.

I first cropped my face out of a picture using the circle crop tool, then I erased around the edges. Then I copied the picture into a lot of different layers and aligned them is straight rows. Then I used my favorite tools, filters, to change to look of each different face. I like how there are a lot of filters to choose from to make each one look so dramatically different.
This is one of my favorite pictures because it looks just like my parakeet named Vanilla. I layered two different pictures together to get this fun effect and make a "trick" picture. The last I looked, Vanilla didn't have horns!!
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